There's a push to have staff in operating theatres wear scrub hats with their names and job on them so surgeons and others can call you by name if they need you. The move is becoming known as The Theatre Cap Challenge and it does seem to be spreading. Mum has decided to make it easier for you and produce hats with names etc embroidered on them.
The thread used in the embroidery is polyester which is much more colorfast and durable than cotton thread. The fonts available can be seen here on this page. I'm restricted in the overall size of the embroidery, both by the shape of a head and by my embroidery machine. So remember, the more you want written, the smaller the letters will be and it will be that much harder to read.
I'm a little concerned that some of the prints available will make it difficult to see the writing but if this proves to be the case and you have ordered a fabric that doesn't allow the name to be read easily, I will contact you and discuss the possibility of adding a plain coloured band similar to that in the pic on this page. Keep this in mind and you can preempt me and order with a band if you choose :) If you don't want a band of colour, the text can be stitched onto a panel and appliqued onto the hat (see the example to the right with the wording 'Mason'). The patch can be any shape (within reason). If not specified, I will choose the shape.
So to order, simply choose the option of including embroidery at a reasonable cost of $10.00. Then go to the special instructions box and let me know what you want written, what font you'd like and what colour.
If you have any questions about the embroidery, please contact me at mummadescrubhats@gmail.com.